Spice up your beautiful phone with even more beautiful backdrops. While the UI is fast, minimal and responsive, the backdrops are overwhelmingly mesmerizing and colorful. These beautiful contrasts will make your phone come alive like never before. Includes 8 different presets with more to come.
Here's the step-by-step on how to get it running with no problems.
- Install KLWP Live Wallpaper Maker Pro. Dream Worlds, or any other theme, can not be viewed, set or edited without this app. You need the PRO version to install external themes/presets (trust me, it's worth it if you're into customizing and/or personalizing every aspect of your homescreen).
- Install this theme or any other theme (there's a lot of incredibly beautiful preset packs out there). Any app with the additional "for KLWP" in its title will work. I also have a few other presets here on the Google Play Store that you might be interested in. Most are free, the ones that took a lot of time to create have a reasonable price on them. Shameless self promotion over.
- OPTIONAL: Get Nova Launcher. Now I can assure you that this will work in any launcher where you can have three homepages, but I highly recommend getting Nova Launcher for these themes, as most designers/developers optimize and test their apps using Nova Launcher. It's also just a great Launcher overall. :)
- Go into KLWP and in the left side-menu, click "Load preset". Find this theme, Dream Worlds, or any other theme and click on it. This will set the theme.
- After the little preview window loads, be sure to click the save icon in the upper right menu before exiting.
- Be sure to set "Kustom" as your current live wallpaper on your phone. Note: Kustom, or KLWP, runs like any ol' live wallpaper, meaning you can add apps and widgets on top of it just like you would do on your phone right now.
Membumbui ponsel yang indah dengan bahkan latar belakang lebih indah. Sementara UI cepat, minimal dan responsif, latar belakang yang sangat memukau dan penuh warna. Ini kontras yang indah akan membuat ponsel Anda menjadi hidup tidak seperti sebelumnya. Termasuk 8 preset yang berbeda dengan lebih untuk datang.
Berikut langkah-demi-langkah tentang cara untuk mendapatkannya berjalan tanpa masalah.
- Instal KLWP Live Wallpaper Maker Pro. Mimpi Worlds, atau tema lain, tidak dapat dilihat, mengatur atau diedit tanpa aplikasi ini. Anda memerlukan versi PRO untuk menginstal tema eksternal / preset (percayalah, itu layak jika Anda ke mengubah dan / atau personalisasi setiap aspek homescreen Anda).
- Instal tema ini atau tema lain (ada banyak paket yang telah ditetapkan sangat indah di luar sana). Setiap aplikasi dengan tambahan "untuk KLWP" di judulnya akan bekerja. Saya juga memiliki beberapa preset lain di sini di Google Play Store yang Anda mungkin akan tertarik. Kebanyakan bebas, orang-orang yang mengambil banyak waktu untuk membuat memiliki harga yang wajar pada mereka. promosi diri tak tahu malu atas.
- OPTIONAL: Dapatkan Nova Launcher. Sekarang saya dapat meyakinkan Anda bahwa ini akan bekerja dalam launcher mana Anda dapat memiliki tiga homepage, tapi saya sangat merekomendasikan mendapatkan Nova Launcher untuk tema-tema ini, karena kebanyakan desainer / pengembang mengoptimalkan dan menguji aplikasi mereka menggunakan Nova Launcher. Ini juga hanya Launcher keseluruhan yang besar. :)
- Pergilah ke KLWP dan di sisi-menu kiri, klik "Load ditetapkan". Cari tema ini, Worlds Dream, atau tema lain dan klik di atasnya. Ini akan mengatur tema.
- Setelah sedikit beban jendela pratinjau, pastikan untuk klik ikon save di menu kanan atas sebelum keluar.
- Pastikan untuk mengatur "Kustom" sebagai wallpaper hidup Anda saat ini di ponsel Anda. Catatan: Kustom, atau KLWP, berjalan seperti ol 'hidup wallpaper, yang berarti Anda dapat menambahkan aplikasi dan widget di atas itu seperti yang akan Anda lakukan pada ponsel Anda sekarang.
Spice up your beautiful phone with even more beautiful backdrops. While the UI is fast, minimal and responsive, the backdrops are overwhelmingly mesmerizing and colorful. These beautiful contrasts will make your phone come alive like never before. Includes 8 different presets with more to come.
Here's the step-by-step on how to get it running with no problems.
- Install KLWP Live Wallpaper Maker Pro. Dream Worlds, or any other theme, can not be viewed, set or edited without this app. You need the PRO version to install external themes/presets (trust me, it's worth it if you're into customizing and/or personalizing every aspect of your homescreen).
- Install this theme or any other theme (there's a lot of incredibly beautiful preset packs out there). Any app with the additional "for KLWP" in its title will work. I also have a few other presets here on the Google Play Store that you might be interested in. Most are free, the ones that took a lot of time to create have a reasonable price on them. Shameless self promotion over.
- OPTIONAL: Get Nova Launcher. Now I can assure you that this will work in any launcher where you can have three homepages, but I highly recommend getting Nova Launcher for these themes, as most designers/developers optimize and test their apps using Nova Launcher. It's also just a great Launcher overall. :)
- Go into KLWP and in the left side-menu, click "Load preset". Find this theme, Dream Worlds, or any other theme and click on it. This will set the theme.
- After the little preview window loads, be sure to click the save icon in the upper right menu before exiting.
- Be sure to set "Kustom" as your current live wallpaper on your phone. Note: Kustom, or KLWP, runs like any ol' live wallpaper, meaning you can add apps and widgets on top of it just like you would do on your phone right now.